Get reverse-related posts
<?php CFS()->get_reverse_related( $post_id, $options ); ?>
Parameter | Required | Type | Notes |
$post_id | Y | int | The original post ID |
$options[‘post_type’] | N | mixed | Find related posts by post type(s). Accepts a string or array. |
$options[‘field_name’] | N | mixed | Find related posts by field name(s). Accepts a string or array. |
$options[‘field_type’] | N | mixed | Find related posts by field type(s). Accepts a string or array (default = ‘relationship’). |
$options[‘post_status’] | N | mixed | Find related posts by post status(es). Accepts a string or array. |
Return Value
(array) Related post IDs
News items have a “related_events” relationship field. To display related news on an event page:
// This will return an array of news IDs
$related_ids = CFS()->get_reverse_related( $post->ID, array(
'field_name' => 'related_events',
'post_type' => 'news'
) );
Retrieve items from a specific post type
$related_ids = CFS()->get_reverse_related( $post->ID, array( 'post_type' => 'news' ) );